Started out beautiful today but went downhill quite fast. There was a prediction of beautiful weather for Easter but now it's going to be ugly weather. After church service, we plan on eating brunch at the house of hubby's daughter. Hopefully, the two grandsons won't have to work and we can all visit together.
I spent the morning sewing for my doll's outfit. I finished the darts on the skirt and lining. I also did the darts on the jacket. I want to see if I can put it together Friday.
I finished the two beds. I used the items suggested by the quarter-scale book. And what did I use? Tissue paper! Yes. First I scrunched the paper and glued it down on the mattress top and bottom. That was the "fitted sheet." Then I cut the top coverlet and folded it down. Everything is then glued down. The pillow was the most difficult. Using a small piece of tissue folded in half, I put a few dabs of glue around the ends of one side. I then put a tiny tiny piece of cotton in the center. Then I closed it up and pushed down on the edges.
This was a messy project but I think it turned out well. It took several hours to complete the entire process, though, because there was drying time. And folding tissue. And crunching it. But it was fun.
While looking at Pinterest, I came across something extremely interesting. I was thinking of doing gates for the village. But I didn't know how I was going to do it without making myself crazy. This project is so cool. I plan to try it and will let you see it as I do it. And, of course, I will introduce you to the brilliant crafter who did it first. And she didn't expect it to be in mini size. LOL
Tomorrow I want to work on finishing the ground for the village. I bought some more green mat board so I can finish the yards. I have two more sections to finish.
Until then...
Hi. Welcome to my blog. I am a senior citizen by age, not by life itself. I live in NJ. I collect dolls and miniatures. I design and sew clothes for dolls through my website store, I also collect 1:12 miniatures. I will be blogging on both subjects here. Hope to provide you with eye candy and lots of information!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Garden gloves
Good morning. It should have been good evening but I wasn't feeling well and went to bed very early. The weather was just beautiful yesterday so I'm hoping for another great day today. Went to the gym and then out for a quick healthful lunch.
Yesterday I worked on gardening gloves. Oh my goodness. They are quite cute at 1:12 scale. They are from a printie that I got online from Joann's Minis. There are a few on each page.
The first thing is to color them. I made 7 pair altogether, each in a different color, although only 4 pair are shown here. I used colored pencils and then a paper towel to smudge the color a bit. I colored before I cut them out. Seems simple but I know it's the first step. (Don't ask me how I know.) As per the instructions, I needed sharp scissors, glue and toothpicks.
After coloring, I cut each glove out, leaving the finger section intact. The gloves have two sides make a full pair.
Taking a toothpick, I gently put glue around 3 sides, being careful not to get any of the center or in the opening. Then I put them wrong sides together but placed one of the toothpicks in the middle. It just has to be into the palm area. This allows it to have some dimension.
When dry, I then make my cuts for the fingers, removing the tiny pieces of paper between each. That's it. They are so cute, I think.
Then I cut out 2 pieces of foam board for the mattress. They fit in the bed and any size distortion is immediately gone. Love that.
Yesterday I worked on gardening gloves. Oh my goodness. They are quite cute at 1:12 scale. They are from a printie that I got online from Joann's Minis. There are a few on each page.
The first thing is to color them. I made 7 pair altogether, each in a different color, although only 4 pair are shown here. I used colored pencils and then a paper towel to smudge the color a bit. I colored before I cut them out. Seems simple but I know it's the first step. (Don't ask me how I know.) As per the instructions, I needed sharp scissors, glue and toothpicks.
After coloring, I cut each glove out, leaving the finger section intact. The gloves have two sides make a full pair.
Taking a toothpick, I gently put glue around 3 sides, being careful not to get any of the center or in the opening. Then I put them wrong sides together but placed one of the toothpicks in the middle. It just has to be into the palm area. This allows it to have some dimension.
When dry, I then make my cuts for the fingers, removing the tiny pieces of paper between each. That's it. They are so cute, I think.
Then I worked on two beds. They were not very sturdy so I put side rails on using medium cardstock.
Then I cut out 2 pieces of foam board for the mattress. They fit in the bed and any size distortion is immediately gone. Love that.
Time to dress the beds. Wait until you see what I'll be using.
I plan on doing several things today since I'll be home all day.
Until then...
Monday, March 25, 2013
Dressers for houses
Hello again. Became bogged down with life. However, I feel better again. Went to neurologist today and he is happy with my progress. I go for a Doppler test on Thursday to make sure there are no blockages in the blood vessels in my brain. I hope they don't see any snowstorms.
Snowed today. Glad it was in the mid-30s with a somewhat warm ground -- it didn't stick -- yay! I am off this week so trying to do some mini things.
Today I decided to make the dressers for three of the faerie village houses. I found my little blocks. They are the perfect size. This is better than cutting mat board and much faster. Believe it or not, this took a bit of time.
I put two together and glued them, making sure they are straight. LOL I let them dry for about 30 minutes to make sure they wouldn't move.
I did use mat board to cut out the "drawers" and stuck them to the front of the dressers. That was probably the most difficult of all the steps!
Snowed today. Glad it was in the mid-30s with a somewhat warm ground -- it didn't stick -- yay! I am off this week so trying to do some mini things.
Today I decided to make the dressers for three of the faerie village houses. I found my little blocks. They are the perfect size. This is better than cutting mat board and much faster. Believe it or not, this took a bit of time.
I put two together and glued them, making sure they are straight. LOL I let them dry for about 30 minutes to make sure they wouldn't move.
I did use mat board to cut out the "drawers" and stuck them to the front of the dressers. That was probably the most difficult of all the steps!
I painted the mat pieces with the same paint. Everything received two coats of paint. I decided not to varnish them.
I took out my stash of beads. Found these darling little green ones. Voila! Drawer knobs.
Tomorrow I plan to finish 2 of the beds. Stay tuned.
Until then...
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Don't give up!
Hi. Haven't been blogging for several reasons. One is I haven't been feeling well but I am working 5 days this week. It's tough to create when one is feeling poorly. I have no school next week so I plan on doing projects.
Second, Google has been giving me trouble again. I thought I posted the other day and it stayed as a draft and I couldn't get it in final form. (sigh)
Also, Google blog is changing and I have to change blog spots soon. Don't know what it all means but if anyone can email me with the how-to of it, I would be most grateful.
I actually had hubby take off a portion of roof on one of my buildings. Allows me to see inside better. In looking at the dragon house and magic shop, they might need a portion removed, too. No sense having a ceiling if one can't hang things from it.
So don't give up! I'll be back. Hopefully Saturday before we go to babysit the girls.
Until then...
Second, Google has been giving me trouble again. I thought I posted the other day and it stayed as a draft and I couldn't get it in final form. (sigh)
Also, Google blog is changing and I have to change blog spots soon. Don't know what it all means but if anyone can email me with the how-to of it, I would be most grateful.
I actually had hubby take off a portion of roof on one of my buildings. Allows me to see inside better. In looking at the dragon house and magic shop, they might need a portion removed, too. No sense having a ceiling if one can't hang things from it.
So don't give up! I'll be back. Hopefully Saturday before we go to babysit the girls.
Until then...
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Family party today
Today was a family party. Lots of people and children and animals. Noise level was intense. Home now and it's so nice and quiet. LOL
That took up most of the day. However, I have a great website for you to look at. She is quite a blogger.
She made this wonderful paper cutting bed and breakfast. Wow! I received her permission to put this on my blog.
How do you like it? Talk to you tomorrow.
Until then...
That took up most of the day. However, I have a great website for you to look at. She is quite a blogger.
She made this wonderful paper cutting bed and breakfast. Wow! I received her permission to put this on my blog.
How do you like it? Talk to you tomorrow.
Until then...
Friday, March 15, 2013
Couches and pillows
Cold and windy again. It was in the 40s but with the wind, it felt much colder. Tomorrow we are expecting 40s again but with rain and a snowy mix. Spring has to be close.
I didn't work today so I decided to work on the couches. And pillows.
These are the 5 finished couches. Each with their own set of pillows. I didn't want to use fabric because the pillows had to be small and no one will really see them separately from the house. But they did need pillows. So I used patterned paper. I thought they came out cute. They will be glued on lightly. I have no desire to hunt for a teeny tiny pillow. LOL
I didn't work today so I decided to work on the couches. And pillows.
These are the 5 finished couches. Each with their own set of pillows. I didn't want to use fabric because the pillows had to be small and no one will really see them separately from the house. But they did need pillows. So I used patterned paper. I thought they came out cute. They will be glued on lightly. I have no desire to hunt for a teeny tiny pillow. LOL
Here are three more couches unpillowed. I got bored. And I ran out of paper I liked. I have to hunt for more tomorrow. None of these couches will have legs but sit on the floor like a regular sofa.
My next group of items will be beds. Then tables. And a few pieces of furniture for the rooms.
There are some other things I want to do, too. I'll see how much energy I have. I have been looking for grass for the village ground cover. Still looking. Most of the online stuff is more expensive than I would like. This is, after all, a village. Not my dollhouse.
So I'll talk to you tomorrow night.
Until then...
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Camera battery was dead last night and there was not enough time to charge it. So no blog then.
It is brrrr cold today. I didn't teach today so we went to the gym this morning.
I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do today. So I decided to work on my couches.

I put the front pieces on the two couches. They came out wonderful.

Then I put the cushions on the blue couch. It was so cute. They will all get pillows.
Since the two couches I made earlier came out nice, I decided to cut out 8 more. In different colors and patterns. I have more solid fabrics than tiny prints for this scale that I switched. Patterned couches and solid cushions.
I also want to put feet on the couches.
And they will all have pillows.
So if I don't work tomorrow, I hope to finish these couches. Although they aren't difficult, they are fussy and messy with glue.
See you tomorrow.
Until then...
It is brrrr cold today. I didn't teach today so we went to the gym this morning.
I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do today. So I decided to work on my couches.

I put the front pieces on the two couches. They came out wonderful.

Then I put the cushions on the blue couch. It was so cute. They will all get pillows.

I also want to put feet on the couches.
And they will all have pillows.
So if I don't work tomorrow, I hope to finish these couches. Although they aren't difficult, they are fussy and messy with glue.
See you tomorrow.
Until then...
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Rained so hard today but it wasn't snow. But it teemed and the wind! I didn't work today so we went to the gym.
As far as doing miniatures today, I worked on couches. I showed you the couch I made from the quarter-scale book. But as I was looking through my Pinterest file on minis, I saw these couches that I really liked. I decided to try them my way.
I want all of the couches to be colorful. And using mat board means it has to be painted or papered. And I will make a few more of the first couch. But I decided to use cardstock. I have a lot of it in different colors.
So I measured it from the first couch and made the overall piece. It included one piece that had both the back of the couch and the sides. I love the sides.
I searched for something to use for the couch insides. I found some foam pieces. Too short, I used them anyway because I plan to cover the front. The side gaps will never been seen.
As far as doing miniatures today, I worked on couches. I showed you the couch I made from the quarter-scale book. But as I was looking through my Pinterest file on minis, I saw these couches that I really liked. I decided to try them my way.
I want all of the couches to be colorful. And using mat board means it has to be painted or papered. And I will make a few more of the first couch. But I decided to use cardstock. I have a lot of it in different colors.
So I measured it from the first couch and made the overall piece. It included one piece that had both the back of the couch and the sides. I love the sides.
I searched for something to use for the couch insides. I found some foam pieces. Too short, I used them anyway because I plan to cover the front. The side gaps will never been seen.
I haven't decided what to use for the front yet. Perhaps a fabric? Also plan to make little pillows. These were not difficult to make but they were a bit messy. I also want to trim the couches.
I am going to look for designed cardstock to make some, too.
I have to work tomorrow. I am going to try more couches when I get home.
Until then...
I'm really back!
Well, I missed two days. Had to get a new router. Ours up and died. This was easier to hook up but it is more difficult to get it on daily.
So tonight I will have a blog for you!
Thanks for being patient and wonderful.
Also, Jazzi Minis isn't doing well in the poll on mini blogs. It is now between 2 blogs: Casey's Minis and Otterine.
If you so desire, go to and vote for best blog. You can vote once a day from any email. I have two email addresses so I vote twice. Notice how close the votes are! They've been up and down!
See you tonight!
Until then...
So tonight I will have a blog for you!
Thanks for being patient and wonderful.
Also, Jazzi Minis isn't doing well in the poll on mini blogs. It is now between 2 blogs: Casey's Minis and Otterine.
If you so desire, go to and vote for best blog. You can vote once a day from any email. I have two email addresses so I vote twice. Notice how close the votes are! They've been up and down!
See you tonight!
Until then...
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Nice to be back
Good evening. Well, between the Internet problems and other things, my blogs for two nights didn't go through. (sigh)
In fact, I am still getting pop-up messages from them saying there is still a problem.
I went to a doll/dollhouse show today. It was in a real nice Hilton in Hasbrouck Hts. NJ. I searched for doll things but bought a few miniatures instead.
The first thing was a beautiful circular staircase that hubby bought for me. It will go in the beach house.
Then I bought a few back issues of Dollhouse mags and Nutshell News. They have some great projects and plans. I am going to tear up the magazine and keep only the how-to projects.
I did buy a few things, though. Rowena needs a map in her office. This is one of the U.S. in 1-inch scale. I will put it in a frame.
Here are 4 champagne glasses (actually plastic) and they were only $2.00. I think they are cute.
Here is a glass (plastic) pitcher with removable lid and that's so cute, too.

These are tiny pumpkins that are less-than-perfect. They will be fabulous in the faerie village.
So, that's the story before Google closes me down. Grrr!
Until then...
In fact, I am still getting pop-up messages from them saying there is still a problem.
I went to a doll/dollhouse show today. It was in a real nice Hilton in Hasbrouck Hts. NJ. I searched for doll things but bought a few miniatures instead.
The first thing was a beautiful circular staircase that hubby bought for me. It will go in the beach house.
Then I bought a few back issues of Dollhouse mags and Nutshell News. They have some great projects and plans. I am going to tear up the magazine and keep only the how-to projects.
I did buy a few things, though. Rowena needs a map in her office. This is one of the U.S. in 1-inch scale. I will put it in a frame.
Here are 4 champagne glasses (actually plastic) and they were only $2.00. I think they are cute.
Here is a glass (plastic) pitcher with removable lid and that's so cute, too.

These are tiny pumpkins that are less-than-perfect. They will be fabulous in the faerie village.
So, that's the story before Google closes me down. Grrr!
Until then...
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Couch and Sink
We lucked out on the snow today but it may be nasty tomorrow morning. I work. But hubby is driving so that's okay.
Today I finished the Easter dress for my doll. I'll show you a photo of it. It is pretty close to the much-loved dress my mom made me when I was 8. I had the same type of headpiece and the pocketbook. I felt grown-up with a pocketbook. Of course, at that time, all women wore something on their head when they went to church. Mom loved it because we all had to wear hats. The dress I had as a youngster also had white gloves. I didn't do white gloves.
Then I decided to put the couch together. It looks cute as it is and I might just leave it. I was going to gussy it up a bit. It is really sturdy with a coat of paint on both sides of the mat board.
Seems that the mat board worked well on the couch. Probably because there is very little creasing and folding. I must say it is not easy to cut. I will make more of them, though, now that I see they are good.
I plan on creating some patterns for other couches though and I'll share them when I do make them.
Next came the farm sink. I didn't like the light mat board so I painted the cabinet a yellow beige. I tried to make it look like wood. Instead it looks like the first coat of paint. LOL So I'll do another coat tomorrow or Saturday. I still have to do trim and "cabinets" and "drawers" and I think that'll be even nicer.
I decided that I wanted this sink to have a granite countertop. So I rummaged through my things and lo and behold! I found exactly what I wanted. A folder from a paint section of a store that had sandstone paint chips. (We used one of the colors for one wall in my craft room.) I've use paint chips before in my dollhouse. Great way to get nice countertops without spending lots of money.
This is the folder for the sandstone paint chips. When you open it up, it has four sections of colors. A real payday for your granite needs! Easy to cut. The back remains glued on and gives added weight. Just cut and glue.

This is how they look on the folder. The size of each chip is 2.25 in. by 1.75 in. This particular folder has 32 colors!
So take a look at the paint chips in your local store that sells paints. Then get some paint chips for a few projects. I will be using some of the paint chips when I finally do my beach house.
Enjoy Friday -- talk to you tomorrow night.
Until then...

Then I decided to put the couch together. It looks cute as it is and I might just leave it. I was going to gussy it up a bit. It is really sturdy with a coat of paint on both sides of the mat board.

I plan on creating some patterns for other couches though and I'll share them when I do make them.

This is the folder for the sandstone paint chips. When you open it up, it has four sections of colors. A real payday for your granite needs! Easy to cut. The back remains glued on and gives added weight. Just cut and glue.

So take a look at the paint chips in your local store that sells paints. Then get some paint chips for a few projects. I will be using some of the paint chips when I finally do my beach house.
Enjoy Friday -- talk to you tomorrow night.
Until then...
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Sink and couch
Rain and wind. It's still bad here. They are worried about high tide. People who just moved back into their house and those fixing theirs up, are concerned about water coming back into their homes. We lost our power several times but did have the generator for the six hours it was out. I didn't work today and as of this time, I have no job tomorrow. But I am working Friday and next Monday.
I worked on the doll dress today. It will be done and ready to be photographed tomorrow.
So this afternoon I decided to work on the farm sink and the couch.
I put the base into the sink so I could fit the sink in. On the front, I've marked out where the "doors" will be placed. There will be "drawers" there, too.
The sink is now in the counter. It was difficult to set the sink in. It was also quite difficult to make the edges rounded on the paper. There are some things I will do differently, such as making future sinks rectangles. LOL
This is going to be the countertop. It will stay squared edge.
I painted the couch parts brown. Since it's paper, I painted both sides so it wouldn't warp. It looks rougher on the pictures than it looks in person.
This is the fabric I will put on the couch. I have a lot of nice colors. I plan to make more of these couches. They aren't difficult but I won't be using mat board.
Here is the fabric attached to the couch back. The piece on the front will be glued on to the front.
I hope to finish these tomorrow.
Until then...
I worked on the doll dress today. It will be done and ready to be photographed tomorrow.
So this afternoon I decided to work on the farm sink and the couch.
I put the base into the sink so I could fit the sink in. On the front, I've marked out where the "doors" will be placed. There will be "drawers" there, too.
The sink is now in the counter. It was difficult to set the sink in. It was also quite difficult to make the edges rounded on the paper. There are some things I will do differently, such as making future sinks rectangles. LOL
This is going to be the countertop. It will stay squared edge.
I painted the couch parts brown. Since it's paper, I painted both sides so it wouldn't warp. It looks rougher on the pictures than it looks in person.
This is the fabric I will put on the couch. I have a lot of nice colors. I plan to make more of these couches. They aren't difficult but I won't be using mat board.
Here is the fabric attached to the couch back. The piece on the front will be glued on to the front.
I hope to finish these tomorrow.
Until then...
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Eye candy
Supposed to get a snowstorm within the next 2 days. Some say 1-3 inches of snow, others say rain and still others say slush. In any case, it will be ugly.
Well, I went back to work today. In the library. It was a great day. I was able to go and "visit" my favorite teachers to let them know I was back. All in all, it was a great day. However, when I came home, I had to sleep. A lot. I was exhausted. Up until today, I was able to stop whatever I was doing and take a nap. Not so!!! LOL
So no mini work got done. I did, however, spend an hour just vegging and looking at Pinterest. I found some great eye candy. Some things had names on them to let one know who made it. Unfortunately, when people pin things, they don't always give the citation. So I present them to you, not as "lifting someone else's work" but to ooh and aah over the amazing miniature workmanship.
Until tomorrow....

Well, I went back to work today. In the library. It was a great day. I was able to go and "visit" my favorite teachers to let them know I was back. All in all, it was a great day. However, when I came home, I had to sleep. A lot. I was exhausted. Up until today, I was able to stop whatever I was doing and take a nap. Not so!!! LOL
So no mini work got done. I did, however, spend an hour just vegging and looking at Pinterest. I found some great eye candy. Some things had names on them to let one know who made it. Unfortunately, when people pin things, they don't always give the citation. So I present them to you, not as "lifting someone else's work" but to ooh and aah over the amazing miniature workmanship.
Until tomorrow....

Monday, March 4, 2013
Tree bottom and cut-outs
Another blustery day. March is definitely coming in like a lion. Let's hope it goes out like a lamb. And the air was cold. I only know because I was at the gym this morning.
I have a job for tomorrow as a librarian in the middle school. Yay! And just found out I'm in for 6th grade language arts on Friday. So I'm getting back into the swing of things. Tomorrow I will let people know I'm back so I can be called.
This morning, I had a burst of energy. Don't know where it came from. I must admit that I felt better today than I have for a long time.
So I did the bottom of the tree for the village. It came out so wonderful. I have a bag of stuff I bought at Michael's for 50% off. It has several different color moss, stuff that looks like things that live on the forest floor and other stuff. I was pleased. I merely spread lots of white glue on the already-shaped cardboard egg carton pieces. Then separated the stuff and placed it randomly around the trunk. I did not attach this to the trunk. If I ever take the village apart, I might want to use it somewhere else.
I started cutting out little furniture for the houses. First was the start of a sink. I don't like this particular mat board. It started to separate when I scored and bent it. I had to glue the corners. This will probably make it sturdier. When I make the other ones, I will use cardstock, not this mat board. I don't know if I bought the wrong stuff but it is supposed to be the kind used for photo matting. The middle sticking up part will be pushed down and the sink goes in that spot.

Then I cut out pieces out for the sofa. It wasn't easy with that mat board. The long piece in the middle is the seat. The top piece is the back of the couch. The other piece is the front. I will make the sofa as it is but use cardstock for the future sofas. I mean, how heavy can faeries be?
I did decide that I don't like making fairy furniture. It is very painstaking and it takes forever for the glue to dry.
I did some sewing, too. The Easter dress should be finished by Wednesday.
So that was my day. Talk to you tomorrow night.
Until then...
I have a job for tomorrow as a librarian in the middle school. Yay! And just found out I'm in for 6th grade language arts on Friday. So I'm getting back into the swing of things. Tomorrow I will let people know I'm back so I can be called.
This morning, I had a burst of energy. Don't know where it came from. I must admit that I felt better today than I have for a long time.

Then I cut out pieces out for the sofa. It wasn't easy with that mat board. The long piece in the middle is the seat. The top piece is the back of the couch. The other piece is the front. I will make the sofa as it is but use cardstock for the future sofas. I mean, how heavy can faeries be?
I did decide that I don't like making fairy furniture. It is very painstaking and it takes forever for the glue to dry.
I did some sewing, too. The Easter dress should be finished by Wednesday.
So that was my day. Talk to you tomorrow night.
Until then...
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Trees part 2
Cold and blustery again today. But there's no rain or snow. We're supposed to have temps in the 40s this week. Stop the wind and it will be beautiful.
I'm trying to find a job for tomorrow but the well seems to be dry. Maybe I'll get a call in the a.m. if nothing comes up tonight.
I worked a bit on the tree trunk sections today. Added limbs with greenery. Painted the limbs white but left some brown showing. The top of the tree will have greenery. I have an idea for this but want to try it first.
The lower part of the tree needs to have a base. I want to make a base of grass, greenery, moss and other plant material. I am using egg carton cardboard. Tore it in pieces and glued it together because I don't want it smooth. Then I will fit the base around the tree and add the plant material. I think it will work real well.
I am now working on sinks for the houses. I found my quarter-scale book (which I stored in a special place but it was before my stroke -- and I just couldn't remember where I put it). I am going to make at least one farm sink. If it works well, I'll do others pretty much the same. Most of these pieces are quite easy if the scoring is done well.
I have a lot of work to do on the faerie village so I think a list of what is needed might be a good idea. I get involved in a project and lose hours. Am I alone in this?
I also want to finish my doll's Easter dress, which has to be done by Thursday. We were going to the flower show, which is in Philly. Went last year -- the theme was Paris. It was magnificent. This year is England -- Brilliance! but I don't think I could walk that much. There's limited seating in this place. And there are always people who take the available seats and take root. Notice that? Next year.
So I have pix of the bottom trunk section that will get the base. You can see the egg carton pieces. I also have a picture of the sink cabinet I'll make tomorrow. I will have to make smaller sinks for the tiny houses.
Until then...
I'm trying to find a job for tomorrow but the well seems to be dry. Maybe I'll get a call in the a.m. if nothing comes up tonight.
I worked a bit on the tree trunk sections today. Added limbs with greenery. Painted the limbs white but left some brown showing. The top of the tree will have greenery. I have an idea for this but want to try it first.
The lower part of the tree needs to have a base. I want to make a base of grass, greenery, moss and other plant material. I am using egg carton cardboard. Tore it in pieces and glued it together because I don't want it smooth. Then I will fit the base around the tree and add the plant material. I think it will work real well.
I am now working on sinks for the houses. I found my quarter-scale book (which I stored in a special place but it was before my stroke -- and I just couldn't remember where I put it). I am going to make at least one farm sink. If it works well, I'll do others pretty much the same. Most of these pieces are quite easy if the scoring is done well.
I have a lot of work to do on the faerie village so I think a list of what is needed might be a good idea. I get involved in a project and lose hours. Am I alone in this?
I also want to finish my doll's Easter dress, which has to be done by Thursday. We were going to the flower show, which is in Philly. Went last year -- the theme was Paris. It was magnificent. This year is England -- Brilliance! but I don't think I could walk that much. There's limited seating in this place. And there are always people who take the available seats and take root. Notice that? Next year.
So I have pix of the bottom trunk section that will get the base. You can see the egg carton pieces. I also have a picture of the sink cabinet I'll make tomorrow. I will have to make smaller sinks for the tiny houses.
Until then...
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Still cold here but weathermen say warmer at the end of the week. Spring -- I can hear it coming.
Didn't do a lot of tough things today but I did work with printies. I love printies. Forgive the pictures as they do their own thing.
I made a bunch of printies, not knowing where I will use them. But I do make shadowboxes and roomboxes for family and friends. That's where they come in handy.
For those who have never used them, they work better if they are printed on heavier paper with good printing so it's clear. Then, use a straight tool to make an impression in the tabs and fold lines. It takes a little time to fit everything together. Sometimes it's easy but most times, if you put one side together, the other pops out. Ha!
I use white PVA glue. Sometimes it helps to use an elastic band to hold the item together. I did this with the grandfather clock. I plan to do a few things to these items to make them more dimensional. Then I will store them in a spot in which I keep for printies.
They are also a great way to fill dollhouse shelves. I have them for laundry detergent, kitchen foods and even things like a pizza box and a donut box.
Printies are all over the internet but if you need a few sites, let me know. Most people are happy to share them as long as they are not sold.
So, here they are. Enjoy them. This was my Saturday with Printies. Talk to you tomorrow!
Until the...
Didn't do a lot of tough things today but I did work with printies. I love printies. Forgive the pictures as they do their own thing.
I made a bunch of printies, not knowing where I will use them. But I do make shadowboxes and roomboxes for family and friends. That's where they come in handy.
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Grandfather clock |
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Dresser |
They are also a great way to fill dollhouse shelves. I have them for laundry detergent, kitchen foods and even things like a pizza box and a donut box.
Printies are all over the internet but if you need a few sites, let me know. Most people are happy to share them as long as they are not sold.
So, here they are. Enjoy them. This was my Saturday with Printies. Talk to you tomorrow!
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Cream and black trunk |
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Chest of Drawers |
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Stove with oven |
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Bound books |
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White oak dresser and chest of drawers |
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Wooden trunk |
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