Well, tonight is cold and crisp. I like it. Years ago when I was very young, the cold bothered me. Now that I'm old, I mean older (smile), I like the cold.
Pictures should be fine now. I'm using Picasa, not that I wanted to but seems many are having problems with their google blogs.
Today was a busy one for me. My first things was Saturday morning chores of bathroom cleaning (although we share that job) and changing the bed linens. Then it was time to play.
I decided to work on two projects simultaneously because of drying time, the fencing around Rowena's house and the schematic of the village.
I decided that a schematic was needed for the village because as I was explaining my plans to hubby, his look was one of pure "huh?" Yes, you know the look.
So I thought and I thought of the way to explain it. I want something like a trellis with shelves. That was something he could understand. (I always think that hubbies should just know when we have an idea -- lol.)
Project 1: I began the day thinking about putting the fencing around Rowena's house. I have pieces of basswood for the perimeter of the yard. I mixed several shades of green and several shades of brown together and painted the wood. And then it was drying time. Time to start Project 2.
Hubby went out to do errands today and came back with the wood pieces for the trellis. I think that the shelves will be okay by themselves. However, if it looks as if there needs to be center supports, I'll put in "trees." That will work.

Project 2: Because it is tough to figure out exactly where everything will fit in the space, I decided to draw out a schematic. The actual size of the space is 36" by 36". I found quarter-inch paper (see? I knew I would have a use for it someday!) and tore out pieces and taped them together to make a 3 foot square sheet. Basswood dry now. Back to Project 1.
With the basswood paint dry, I glued the pieces down to the landscaping grass. It was necessary to use clamps. I used pieces of cardboard under the clamps so as not to leave marks. Then it was more drying time. Back to Project 2.

I measured the buildings' widths and heights. I drew them on paper and cut them out. When they are all finished, I will put them on the schematic and figure out how much room is needed for the shelf placement. I need to remember that if I use a shelf that is 1/4 inch thick and there are 4 of them, I lose one full inch off the 36 inches. And the same for the sides. I don't want any surprises.
So far I cut out four buildings: library, carriage house, dragon shop and magic shop. Hope to do the rest of the building plans tomorrow.
I also want to put the fencing up, which will take some time because of cutting. The house landscaping is in three pieces. I wanted to be able to work on the landscaping without having to remove the entire front piece. However, when I put the fencing on, I want the pieces to meet. They will not be glued but the pieces fit so well I think it will work.
So, there is progress! Talk to you tomorrow night.
Until then....