Saturday, February 23, 2013

Tree cut and ready to bark

We have heat tonight.  Furnace to be fixed tomorrow.  It's nice being warm.  And having a warm shower. 

No snow today and that's a good thing.  We know it's cold out though because hubby has been buying bird seed and suet.  They go through it as fast as he fills the feeders.  There is a piliated woodpecker who loves the suet.  I'm not sure the other little ones get their share.  But I'm not interfering with that one.  LOL

Hubby cut up the tree base for me.  It will look like it's growing up through the village.  I found the tutorial for creating this tree.   

The base already has holes in it for branches.  I just have to make sure I don't cover them up when gluing the paper on.  I will probably have to slice the cover paper up a bit to fit the fairy house doors.  It is a fairieminium, remember?

Speaking of paper, I have no idea where this particular paper came from.  I found it after I saw the tree tutorial.  And voila! there was the paper on my shelf.  This is why I save things and see "great" and other look at things and see "junk."  The tutorial uses this paper for the entire tree but I am limited in the amount  I have to work with.

And of course, I have a large bottle of white paint.  I am anxious to get this started.  I'll take pictures as I go along. 

I will be using regular white glue that sets up pretty quickly.  I think I will paint it once it is on the tube.  I don't plan on making this a permanent tree in the village.  Hubby cut it perfectly after I measured it so the pieces fit perfectly.

The top piece does not go up to the top of the village setting.  Tube wasn't long enough.  I will probably be making tree foliage for it, although from what I don't know yet.

So I'll have to start on this immediately after church tomorrow. 

Until then...


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